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carl_daxp 2008-04-27 05:00 AM

可能使用於域名上的集合名詞(Collective Noun)
可能使用於域名上的集合名詞(Collective Noun)

an army of ants一群螞蟻
a bed of clams一灘蛤蜊
a caravan of camels一隊駱駝
a dazzle of zebras一群斑馬
an earth of foxes一地狐狸
a flock of geese一群鵝。
a gam of whales一群鯨魚
a herd of horses 一群馬
an intrigue of kittens一群小貓
a kennel of dogs一群狗
a litter of puppies一窩小狗
a mob of cattle一群牛
a nest of bees一群蜜蜂
an ostentation of peacocks一群孔雀
a pride of lions一群獅子
a quarrel of sparrows一群麻雀
a raft of turkeys一群火雞
a school of fish 一群魚
a tribe of goats一群山羊
a unkindness of ravens一群烏鴉
a volery of birds一籠鳥
a wake of vultures一群禿鷹
a yoke of oxen一對公牛
a zeal of zebras一群斑馬

集合名詞(Collective Noun)

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