
網域名稱俱樂部 (https://www.domainclub.org/index.php)
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-   -   如何在一天之內快速賣出十四個剛註冊的域名 (https://www.domainclub.org/showthread.php?t=33947)

哈啦 2012-12-07 06:44 PM

這裡看到一個很有意思的域名故事,作者宣稱他在一天之內註冊了十四個域名而且全都速售出給同一個end user買主,全部賺了四千多美金。



Today, I also sold 14 other names - very interesting story. It was the fastest/best ROI I have ever made since investing in domain assets:

A few end users were contacted concerning a name I hand registered yesterday and wanted to sell (let's just call it GreatShelters dot net - prefer to keep the real domain private, but it's similar). They were interested and made an offer. After a few minutes, we agreed on a final price: $549. I then did something I had never done before, I went out and registered the singular version (ex. GreatShelter dot net) and contacted the company offering the name. Another deal @ $549. Took less than 2 mins. Registered, sent an email, agreed on price, received funds, domain pushed.
Now the best part, I studied all the leading meta tags/keywords that this company was trying to rank for, their top products and main services etc. and an hour later came up with a final list of 12 domains (mainly .COM and a few .NET) - some of which the exact terms (in either singular or plural) were already taken in other extensions by some of their competitors - giving a little extra value to the names I had registered.
I went back to the company and offered them the list of 12 domains - they could cherry-pick what they liked and we'd go from there. Cutting a short story even shorter, a few hours later - they paid $3,000 for those 12 domains ($250/domain).

Do NOT let ANYONE ever tell you that it's too late/all the good opportunities are gone

故事簡單說如下,賣方昨天手動註冊了一個產品相關名稱例如 abcd .net,隨後就有人接觸他說要買該域名,後來雙方達成$549成交。但當時他想這產品名稱既然有人買,就去查一下複數的英文在不在?一查竟然也有(也是.net),於是立即註下,並且一樣推銷給買方,結果買方同意再付$549買下複數的域名。而且雙方很快就完成交易。

此時賣方去研究了一下買方網站原始碼中的meta tags/keywords ,看看買方想在搜尋引擎上占有好名次的keyword有哪些?發現許多是他們主打的產品和服務,於是他立刻再去找是否有可以註冊的,結果一共找到12個相關域名,大部份是.com少部份是.net,然後他立刻又向買方推銷,買方果真也很爽快地全買下了,一個賣250美元這十二個共計三千美金,加上先前的二個,他等於一天之內賺進四千多美元。 ~yes






網路上有些看起來十分成熟的網站,但其實它只是一個模板而已,不過它已把該域名可以呈現的內容和概念表達出來,因為很多企業是沒什麼想像力的 你光推銷一個域名,他們未必馬上能想到如何運用,對他們有何利益?自然不會想花大錢買。但如果你能做一個像樣的網站demo,契合上域名,那會大大提高買方的意願。就和賣房子時建商都會搞一幢樣品屋一般來吸引買家。


流氓才子 2013-01-31 10:43 AM


jack111 2013-02-10 11:41 AM

做域名可以附帶做一做域名咨詢和服務.. 一樣需要職業的敏感和智慧

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