舊 2009-08-01, 10:30 AM
rafael rafael 目前離線
註冊日期: 2009-02-27
文章: 42
預設 Netcom註冊系統出包  .cm全面開放所有申請件延宕

根據.cm域名管理局Netcom.cm Sarl網站發出的新聞稿表示,cm的註冊系統目前異常,技術團隊已全力搶修中。在維修完成前,.cm全面開放送件的時程將會延後。

喀麥隆域名.cm原本預計在2009年8月1日 0:00:01全面開放.cm申請,採先申請先取得原則。但是.cm的註冊系統在7月31日的註冊系統更新後,主機出現異常狀況。負責系統的CAMTEL仍在搶修中。所有.cm的申請件目前無法送件,必須等到系統維修完成之後才有辦法申請。


Important Go Live Information for Registrars
Yaounde, 31th July 2009
Dear Registrars,
Currently the Cameroon internet connection is facing technicaldifficulties.
After applying a security update to the .CM registry server, the root name servers failed to get access to the zone file. The technical team of CAMTEL is currently working on the issue to solve the problem.
Domains which were applied for during the sunrise period will be connected once the Trademark Certificates have been validated. Due to the overwhelming success of the introduction of the .cm top-level domain, we would like to ask for some patience. The review process will be finished soon and we are sure that we can connect the domains as soon as our technical problems are fixed.
Registrars will not be charged any money before the technical problems are solved and the domains are connected.
The open registration for .CM domains will be suspended till the issue has been solved.
We apologise for the inconvience and we will keep you updated.

.AC .AT .CC .CM .CX .EU .GD .GS .HN .HT .IN .IO .KI .LA .LC .ME .MN .MU .NF .PH .SB .SC .SH .TC .TL .TM .TV .UG .US .VC .VG 域名頂級代理

網路中文資訊股份有限公司 服務專線:(02)2531-9696傳真:(02)2531-9522 www.netc.tw