舊 2015-08-12, 10:24 PM
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.XYZ Sees Nearly 20K New Domain Registrations In 2 Days
Since ABC.XYZ Announcement

August 12, 2015 by Michael Berkens

Since Google Inc. announced Alphabet Inc. on August 10, 2015 around 3 PM ET and stated they will be using the domain name ABC.XYZ, the new gTLD .xyz has had nearly 20,000 new domain names registered!

It started with over 6,000 .xyz domains being registered after Google’s announcement.

New registrations for .xyz cranked that rising total up over double in one day with 13,000+ more domain name registrations! (13,206 to be exact) with a two day total of about 20,000 newly registered .xyz domain names.

It is amazing that one domain name being used by Google has sparked a vast amount of these domain name registrations for the .xyz registry. Of the 13K+ registered on August 11, 2015 over 130 are directly related to the announcement with domain names including the term (or typo) of “Google”, “ABC” and “Alphabet”. It is worth mentioning that all 3 are trademarked terms.

Here are some the domain registrations to the 130+ I picked out of the list that relate, none of which were registered by Google based on some quick whois research I did on a handful of the domains.