舊 2009-09-16, 09:53 PM
jaka 的頭像
jaka jaka 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-08-03
文章: 782
發送 MSN 消息給 jaka

作者: ras0314 查看文章
# What is the cost?
The cost is $100 for every 2 years.

# What is the user account signup proceedure?
For people outside Anguilla there is an extra $100 US fee. We will verify your email, your phone, your fax, and your physical address. Then we wait 3 months after your card was charged to make sure there is no trouble with the charge. Then your account will be activated. Go to the sign up part of the main page to sign up.

101domain.com 也可以註冊, 但是 2 Years Registration $ 249.00 ,而且只能註冊3字以上的..一點都沒有比較好
For people outside Anguilla there is an extra $100 US fee. We will verify your email, your phone, your fax, and your physical address. Then we wait 3 months after your card was charged to make sure there is no trouble with the charge. Then your account will be activated. Go to the sign up part of the main page to sign up.