舊 2010-03-16, 01:25 AM
best-url 的頭像
best-url best-url 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
發送 MSN 消息給 best-url

銷售 在 flashmod.com (enom) 上的域名:

Domain Name Punycode |Translation Expire Date Price

手机在线.net xn--3dsz2xj1dfv3a |Cellphone Online 4/2/2010 US$50
电饭煲.net xn--evx33f0u7b |Rice Cookers 4/2/2010 US$50
中国香港.net xn--fiqs8s87tfw3b |Hong Kong, China 5/14/2010 US$30
中国天津.net xn--fiqs8sxwbyy9a |Tianjin, China 5/14/2010 US$30
电风扇.net xn--gpu543be5z |Electric Fan 4/2/2010 US$60
连锁酒店.net xn--hxtv01i55a09g |Hotel/Restaurant Chain 3/16/2010 US$80
不锈钢板.net xn--ihq333do35awla |Stainless Steel Plate 3/21/2010 US$30
针织品.net xn--jvrv19glwn |Knitwear 3/21/2010 US$50
商务酒店.net xn--zfr74dqymh26c |Business Hotel 3/25/2010 US$120
Please note -
As some of above domain names are expire soon.
If the buyer claim SOLD for the domain after it's expiration date,
then buyer should pay the renewal fee before the domain push.


2nd. part (expired domains) -
(Buyer should add US$10 renewal fee for each domain)

上海游.net 3/5/2010 xn--fhqz97etqa.net |Shanghai Tour 3/5/2010 US$20
企业咨询.net 2/28/2010 xn--vhquvw9k150e.net |Business Advisory 2/28/2010 US$20
展示架.net 2/24/2010 xn--ygts8xl7n.net |Display Stand 2/24/2010 US$40

(為了易於管控, 請版友至 此帖 統一下標)