2 letter .com/ .net
現在純2-letter或純2-number的.com和 .net大約多少合理?
有人在賣84.com 討論討論
......Jesus Loves You...... 此篇文章於 2010-09-16 09:13 AM 被 Viya 編輯。 |
84.com 現在有機會上看六萬美金以上了吧
是在DNF上今年賣了不少NN的那個賣家嗎?? GJ.net現在好像在出售...$9000多... |
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
所以才一個一個脫手一堆2-number.com 一定會超過100k!太稀少了 kjl兄有交易過應該更清楚
......Jesus Loves You...... |
台灣人賣台灣人或許有折扣 |
Dear NN.com investor,
Our Company is intending to sell 84.com in the coming weeks. A unique opportunity to get a NN.com with the "8" number. We will consider all serious offer and we will accept the best one. 84.com is having 6'000 visits/month, this outside from China and from some emerging markets (sedo's stats). Do not hesitate to come back to us if you see an opportunity with 84.com. Best regards, Stephane Pictet Virtual Network SA |