收到了一封求購信, cool兄請進!!!!!!
Dear Sir, Sorry, because i write this message in english. I now you have the domain name superbock.com, i want to know if you want to sell it. Thanks in advance Mário Lima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 對方是葡萄牙人, 因為這個名剛好是葡萄牙一家有名的啤酒公司 在網路上找到了不少該公司的電視廣告,弄其中一個給大家看看 按我 請大家幫我出主意,認為該報價多少給對方呢? 連電視廣告都有的公司,應該肯出高一點的價錢買下他們的域名吧??
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對方可能是那個公司的人,但也可能是他們國家的人恰巧知道這個網名可以買到,準備向你買來再伺機賣給那家公司。 如果是後者的話,價錢可能不會太高,因為對方也是在投機。但如果是前者的話,或許他們也會循仲裁或法律途徑向你要這個網名,所以你要自己評估一下風險。 |
thank you for your inquiry, I have no plan to sell this domain now. However, if you make an reasonable offer, that I may consider to be part with it. regards, |
than I may consider to part with it. Since they're not using English as native lang, then better replace "part with" with 'give up' or "transfer"..... |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir, thanks for your rapid response, you are very kind. what is for you a reasonable offer in us $ or in euros € ? thanks in advance Mário de Sousa Lima --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回信看起來蠻友善的 請問下一步該如何做呢?? 對方問我要以美金還是歐元計算~~~ 哈啦兄, 可否再幫我寫封回覆, 說我想以美金為單位. 拜託囉
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Dear Sir, I have no idea about the price range of selling this domain now, however, I may take US$1000 . regards, 你自己把想報給對方的價錢填上去就好了。 |
如果這個 case 成了...
可以做一個典範... 從書信往返... 到成功交款... 坦白說... 投資網名... 買主在台灣... 只要幾個小時就搞定了... 買主在國外... 真的很辛苦... (呵呵...所以要價不妨高些...) ? |
小弟也收到一封信, 內文如下
**************************************** Hello, We are interested in buying the We can offer you $3,000.00 USD. Please, let us know as soon as possible. Best regards, O.T **************************************** 寄件者的 DN: @84.com 不知道該如何回這封信? 還賣還是不該賣? |