snapnames表示,這個員工的競標可能會導致某些標金被拉高,使得贏標者付出了更多的價錢。因此他們將請一家外面的顧問公司研究該退還多少錢給贏標者,外加利息。 不過不是每個競標都有這種情形,他們 分別聯絡可能的「受害者」。 Dear DomainSponsor customer: I’m contacting you today to inform you of an unfortunate incident at SnapNames, and to let you know what the company is doing to address it. Recently, SnapNames discovered that an employee had set up an account on the SnapNames system under a false name and, under this name, bid in SnapNames auctions. This is a clear violation of our internal policy and was not approved by the company. We deeply regret that this conduct has impacted our customers. Extent of impact This conduct affected a small percentage of SnapNames auctions: Bidding affected approximately five percent of total SnapNames auctions since 2005, most of which occurred between 2005 and 2007. The incremental revenue from the bidding represented approximately one percent of SnapNames’ auction revenue since 2005. No matter the level of impact, SnapNames takes this matter extremely seriously. When the matter was discovered, the company immediately closed the account in question and began a thorough investigation. The employee has also been dismissed from the company. SnapNames further discovered that, on certain recent and limited occasions, when the employee won an auction, the employee secretly arranged to refund from SnapNames to the fictitious account a portion of the winning bid amount. Remedy to affected customers Though on some occasions the employee won the auction, in many instances the bidding caused the ultimate auction winner to pay more for a name than had the employee not participated in the auction. SnapNames neither condones this conduct nor wants to be perceived as benefiting from the conduct. Accordingly, we have decided that regardless of the circumstance, in every auction where the employee’s fictitious account submitted a bid which resulted in a higher price being paid by the winning bidder, SnapNames will offer a rebate, with 5.22% interest (the highest applicable federal rate during the affected time period), to affected customers for the difference between the prices they actually paid and the prices they would have paid, had the employee not bid in the auctions. The rebate will be available in cash or in credit on the SnapNames platform, at your discretion. SnapNames has moved quickly to address this situation. The company has retained Rust Consulting, an independent third party, who will administer the rebate offer. Within the next week, Rust Consulting will contact affected customers to provide details regarding the offer. Your business and ongoing relationship are important to us and we can assure you that we have taken all necessary steps to ensure the integrity of the platform and reinforced controls and procedures to avoid any possibility of further breach. These include: Enhanced monitoring of bidding activity for suspect behavior Additional controls over financial transactions Specific domain name registration policies for employees |
我剛好參加的一個auction就有這傢伙出現,結果他把一個域名從二千多硬是拉到五千多,而且還贏了。第二名也被迫拉到五千美元。如果後來這個員工並未真的付錢,自然就由第二順位的花五千美元標下,看來也是可以獲得snapnames賠償吧? 所以各位看看你贏標的域名中有沒有這個帳號在參加?或許你也會獲得賠償喔。 老外的企業就是堅守誠信,因為「信用」是維繫歐美這種資本主義最重要的支柱,一旦信用被懷疑整個商業和社會制度就無法玩下去(看看許多亞洲地區處於人與人之間信任感低落的社會就知道),因此就算是三四年前的舊案一旦被發現也是會主動告知。 |
DomainName.com |
我今天收到來自 snapnames.com 的一封 mail
雖然金額不到 25 美金,但很有可能跟這件事有關 不過… 好像過了快一年才輪到小弟嗎? 倒是我不記得我跟提高標價的員工帳號有過競標關係 引用:
可能是處理的 case 很多, 還有清查出來後, sn 也準備向那位詐欺的前員工索賠(來歸還給客戶), 因此速度慢. |