Sedo 害我 毀約和賠$ 了..
Sedo 害我毀約了
Transaction History: 12/22/07 Agreement reached 12/23/07 We have invoiced the buyer for the sale of your domain. As soon as the payment reaches our escrow account we will inform you and begin the technical transfer. 12/27/07 We have received full payment for this domain. Please await further instructions from your transfer agent. It is often the case that we have to wait for certain details from the buyer so please be patient during this period. 12/27/07 In order to confirm that you have control of the domain, we need you to send a short email from the admin-c email address. Please do this now, so that we can continue with this transaction. 01/09/08 In order to facilitate this transfer we need you to push the domain into our account with your registrar. You should have received an email containing the information needed to process this push. 直到今天, Sedo 才更新 Transaction 交易記錄 讓我知道買家已於12月27日付款了.. 而小弟等了多天.而看到Transaction 交易記錄 中該網址 一直沒顯示買家已付$, 由於覺得買家沒誠意. 所以一月初已經把網址以 較低 價格賣給了第3者.. 負責處理Transaction 的是gregg.bois@sedo.com 以上這位Staff 的工作效率很差喔... 有版友有相似的遭遇嗎? 請分享一下, Thanks, Kam
DomainNames .cc | DomainNames .TV | Domain Brilliant | Premium Coffee Name Bloggers | Domain Softwares | Auto Multimeter | Super Gemstone | Wallets .tv | Ultrasonic Cleaner EN.HK 免費超短轉址 |香港 二手車 | 電郵行銷 此篇文章於 2008-01-10 03:40 PM 被 kam 編輯。 |
我最长的一次成功交易,是3个月。 还有的,等了很久,Sedo通知交易因为另一方毁约而取消。 还有一次,是买域名,我已经Paypal付款。被Sedo退款。Sedo称,因为卖家很可疑,所以买家必须通过电汇付款给Sedo。(这个,我实在搞不懂,如果卖家可疑,Sedo应该要求卖家先交出域名才对呀。为什么要求买家必须以电汇方式付款呢。)后来还是因为卖家不配合,交易取消了。白白浪费了我的汇费,好贵呀。 呵呵,我觉得,如果你是通过Sedo卖域名的话,只有Sedo通知你交易取消,你才可以把域名卖给别人,否则还是要耐心等待的。
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |