Hi ,
It's Matt the owner of http://www.thefreeadforum.com I saw that your site, 9ing.net, is linking to The MerchantCircle.com site. I will put your put your 468 X 60 ad in rotation on the footer of my forum, www.thefreeadforum.com which includes 50,000 Google indexed pages, the index page and every single post(100,000+). My site was Alexa 19,000 today. I have over 40,000 marketers on the forum and over 1000 new members join every week. I spend $3000. per month with Google Adwords promoting it. It is PR 4 rankded by Google. You WILL get traffic and sales. I have over 200k subscribers in my newsletters. I will also put your sales letter in my autoresponder series which gets 300-500 subscribers per day every day. You will get sales and traffic forever with this. What do you have to do? Put my link on the index page of your site. You can get linking and banner codes here: http://www.thefreeadforum.com/linktous.html In order for me to put your big 468 X 60 ad on my super busy forum, targeted exactly to your market (Internet Marketing), I need a real link back to me on your homepage. Not some link buried deep within your site. You should also tell all your affiliates about the forum because they should be promoting 9ing.net like crazy on the forum to all the new marketers who join everyday. Plus our posts get indexed all over the search engines and 9ing.net should be in our posts too. If you do not want to do this I have also placed your ad and link in our link directory. It is under Merchant Circle section of our site. You can check it out at: http://www.thefreeadforum.com/partners/merchantcirclecom.html It says: 9ing.net 9ing.net If you want us to keep this link back to you in our link directory you can link back to us from any of your pages. But if you want your ad on all pages of our forum, including the index page, we need a link back to us on your home page. Let me know if the link is up and I will get to work putting up yours and adding your sales letter to my autoresponder series. Just respond to this email. If you do not want to hear from me again just respond with delete in the subject of the email and I will delete your site from the directory and your info from my files. Your link, http://blog.9ing.net/ , will eventually be rotated off the link directory if you do not choose to link back to me on any of your pages. If you have any other ideas about joint ventures let me know. Thanks, Matt The Free Ad Forum 1314 E. Las Olas Blvd. Ft. Lauderale Fl. 33301
[img=640,480]http://terracedowns.com/domain_for_sale_bw.jpg?3e3ea140[/img] |