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舊 2010-07-18, 01:59 PM
best-url 的頭像
best-url best-url 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
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預設 The IDN Value of .NET and .ORG

Recently, Chuck Gomes of VeriSign wasquoted as stating, “VeriSign will be submitting proposals for multiple IDN versions of .COM and .NET . . .”

For the IDN investor who has bought IDN.com, this means that the value of your domains has just gone up significantly given that you will likely have an opportunity to own the translated version of the .COM TLD. A pleasant surprise was that VeriSign also clearly stated that .NET will be similarly aliased/unlocked in a .NET-in-IDN version.

Many have stayed away from IDN.net with the following rationalization, “isn’t it risky enough for me to be investing in IDNs, do I have to add to that risk with an IDN.net?” However, IDN.net names look rock solid right now given forthcoming aliasing of the TLD. Those who are bullish on .NET even suggest that in some languages a translated .NET will resonate more with locals than a translated .COM. Whether true or not, .NET deserves some long overdue attention in the IDN world.

Lastly, we come to .ORG. When domainers think of gTLDs, they often think of the big three, .COM, .NET and .ORG. The first two should be unlockable in IDN form, how about .ORG? Unfortunately, VeriSign did not include .ORG in its statement since VeriSign does not manage the .ORG registry. Instead, starting in January 2003, the Public Interest Registry (“PIR”) assumed responsibility for operating .ORG and no statements have been made yet regarding unlocking .ORG-in-IDN. Though this possibility remains open, if you are an IDN.ORG investor it might make sense to buckle up for an extended wait.


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