30x的价格,不过仍然没有godaddy便宜 |
因為我最近好幾次要把 .com.tw的網域, 用自動轉移(非用FAX文件) 從 web.cc 轉到 enom都失敗了, 所以,我想請教各位大大們, .com.tw網域, 在國外註冊商之間轉移, 是否有 到期90天才能轉移的限制... PS. 另外,也請教一下, web.cc 也有類似 enom的push網域的功能(同註冊商直接丟給其他reseller用戶)嗎? ====================== ====================== 附錄: 我的轉移失敗過程: 這個轉移失敗過程中, 1paper 大大 幫助我許多, 問了兩邊的註冊商, web.cc說 轉移碼沒問題, enom說就是轉移認證失敗無法接收, web.cc還特別協助換掉轉移碼,結果還是錯誤! 我後來將這個問題向TWNIC提出,結果他們只丟了一句: 要我去問 neulevel SupportTW@neulevel.biz neulevel後來回覆這個EMAIL給我: ------------------------------------ Greetings Liou, Thank you for contacting Registrar Support at Neustar. Please note that you should provide a Loa (Letter of authority) and the Authcode of this domain to Enom. And ask Enom to sent this transfer request to Neustar for process. And Greetings Enom, Transferring a .TW domain name from a domestic registrar (webcc) is currently a manual process that requires a registrant's signed request form (Letter of authority) to be sent to NeuStar, then NeuStar forwards the request form to TWNIC, which then transfers the domain to the NeuStar account. Once the domain is in the NeuStar account, NeuStar manually transfers the domain to the "gaining" registrar and bills the registrar for the automatic 1 year renewal. Please note that until TWNIC changes this procedure, it is the only one currently available for transferring names between domestic and gateway registrars. Please let us know if need any further assistance. Kind Regards, Tina Neustar Registries Registry Operator for .BIZ - .US - .CN - .TW - .TRAVEL Phone: (888) 415-9363 or (571) 434-5300 Support Email: reg-support@neustar.biz Billing Email: registry-billing@neustar.biz Facsimile: +1.571.434.5758 ------------------------------------ 大致內容應該是要想辦法 從舊註冊商 手工用文件 轉移到 NeuStar, 再從 NeuStar 轉移到新註冊商... 真是有夠複雜的...我被打敗了... 其他國外註冊商,我就不敢嚐試了,因為去年我轉移到EnCirca, 不僅沒成功,信用卡還被扣掉幾十美元... ============== 補充: cool大大原本是轉移失敗, 後來我有發PM問裡面的 cool大大, 他也說後來 他在轉移前90天才嘗試轉移,後來也有成功! 所以,我猜也許 .com.tw 國外註冊商,可能 一樣和台灣的註冊商採用相同的轉移規則(到期之前90天才能轉移), 此篇文章於 2011-05-14 12:03 AM 被 liou 編輯。 |
webnic內有『代理商转移申请』,指的應是同註冊商reseller之間互轉功能,但我還沒用過。 ps:剛想到,web.cc 應是對user吧,webnic.cc才是對reseller,我是用後者。
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