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舊 2013-10-14, 11:00 PM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,048
預設 .CC後綴 可以用來代表的英文字義


CC Credit Card
CC Carbon Copy (secondary email addressee)
cc Cubic Centimeter
CC Closed Captioning
CC Courtesy Copy (email; for those who never used carbon paper)
CC Country Club
CC Community College
CC Clone Commander (Star Wars)
CC Car Club
CC Cheat Codes
CC Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO)
CC Cross Country
CC Columbia College (part of Columbia University, New York)
CC Character Code (ITU-T)
CC Common Criteria
CC Christian Church
CC Clinical Center (NIH)
CC Community Center
CC City Council
CC Cruise Control
CC College Center
CC Competition Commission
CC Customer Care
CC Clear Channel
CC Commercial (Top-Level Domain introduced in 2000)
CC Computer Center
CC Columbia County (various locations)
CC Cable Connection
CC Common Cause
CC College Council
CC Call Center
CC Critical Care
CC Common Carrier
CC Case Closed
CC Community Club
CC Central Committee
CC Comedy Central (cable channel)
CC Clark College (Vancouver, WA)
CC Commander
CC Center Console
CC Committee Chair
CC Circuit Current
CC Common Control
CC C Compiler
CC Cruiser
CC Computing Center
CC Command Center
CC Chief Counsel
CC Cape Cod
CC Chamber of Commerce
CC Common Code
CC Church of Christ
CC Combined Cycle
CC Code of Conduct
CC Color Code (Sprint)
CC Crowd Control (gaming)
CC Clark County (various locations)
CC Carroll College (Waukesha, Wisconsin)
CC Command Code
CC Change Control
CC Cyber Cafe
CC Creative Commons
CC Communications Center
CC Christian Coalition
CC Closed Circuit
CC Certificate of Completion
CC Coca Cola
CC Cloud Cover
CC Colon Cancer
CC Catholic Charities
CC Cyber Crime
CC Carpet Cleaning
CC Calling Card
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands (country code & Top Level Domain)
CC Chevy Chase (Maryland)
CC Cancer Care
CC Close Combat
CC Chicago Cubs
CC Cross Cutting
CC Call Control
CC Cable Channel
CC Cash Card
CC Cash Credit
CC Carbon-Carbon
CC Common Cold
CC Computer Crime (insurance)
CC City Clerk
CC Cubic Capacity
CC Closed-Captioned
CC Current Condition
CC Cylinder Capacity
CC Central Control
CC Centro Comercial (Spanish)
CC Commissioned Corps
CC Cloud City (Star Wars)
CC Cash or Check
CC Canadian Club (whiskey)
CC Coupled Cluster
CC Common Client
CC Clinical Chemistry
CC Coco Chanel
CC Chocolate Chips
CC Course Change
CC Calvin College
CC Carabinieri (Italian Military Police)
CC Code Control
CC Competence Center
CC Central Computer
CC Catalytic Converter
CC Catholic Central High School (Redford, MI)
CC Custom Controls
CC Charge Control
CC Chrono Cross (video game)
CC Chaco (Argentina Province, airline code)
CC Carson City, Nevada (mint mark on some old silver dollars)
CC Customs Clearance
CC Cross-Connect
CC Competent Communicator (Toastmasters)
CC Cashier's Check
CC Columbus Crew (Columbus, Ohio major league soccer team)
CC Crew Chief
CC Cesar Chavez (union activist)
CC Community Chest
CC Change Channel (Maple Story)
CC Cut Corner
CC Charged Current
CC Chief Complaint
CC Commerce Commission
CC Cannibal Corpse (band)
CC Command & Conquer (video game)
CC Crack Cocaine
CC Cult Classic (movie slang)
CC Cris Carter (NFL player)
CC C.C. Sabathia (baseball player)
CC COMSEC Custodian
CC Coco Crisp (baseball player)
CC Career Counselor
CC Conclave (online gaming community)
CC Cheddar Cheese
CC Cheshire Cat (Blink 182 album)
CC Clearcase (software; IBM)
CC Calçada (Portuguese: sidewalk; postal use)
CC Código Civil (Civil Code)
CC Central Component
CC Civic Centre (Singapore)
CC Cybercity (Danish ISP)
CC Combat Operations
CC Chief Clerk
CC Clomiphene Citrate
CC CardCaptors
CC Climatic Change
CC Cardiac Catheterization
CC CableCard
CC Communications Coordinator
CC Codice Civile (Italian: civil code)
CC Coiled-Coil
CC Compiler Construction
CC Conseil Constitutionnel (French: Constitutional Council)
CC Cheech and Chong (comedy duo)
CC Chemical Control
CC Carlton Cole (soccer player)
CC Cluster Controller
CC Coalicion Canaria
CC Crystal Controlled
CC Cour des Comptes (French: Court of Auditors)
CC Cybercom (computer company)
CC Camp Coordinator
CC Comment Code
CC Columbus Circle (New York City)
CC Close-Coupled
CC Cold Cathode (UV emitting tubes)
CC Code Civil (French: civil code)
CC Chronic Cough
CC Clearcut
CC Capital Contribution
CC Crown Colony
CC Cholangiocarcinoma
CC Cirrocumulus (cloud formation)
CC Combat Command
CC Change of Course
CC Class Clown (band)
CC Clock Crew (Flash artists group)
CC Collect Call
CC Corrente Continua (Spanish: Direct Current)
CC Crystal Cathedral (Robert Schuller Center)
CC Command Ship
CC Cash Control
CC Cursor Control
CC Company Commander
CC Center Conductor
CC Cyber Chat (RPG chat server)
CC Citizen Cope (band)
CC Covenant Christian (High School)
CC Clan Chat (Runescape gaming)
CC Corte de Constitucionalidad (Spanish: Constitutional Court; Guatemala)
CC Call Collect
CC Cache Coherency
CC Computacenter (European IT services company)
CC Customer Contacts
CC Channel Command
CC Combatant Commander
CC Channel Controller
CC Communications Control
CC Composite Component
CC Component Check
CC Crazy Cool
CC Comfort Care (often seen with DNR order)
CC Card Cage
CC Coal Chamber (band)
CC Coal Chamber (rock band)
CC Continuity-Check (ITU-T)
CC Closed Corporation (South Africa)
CC Central Controller (Cisco Wireless)
CC Carriage Control
CC Concrete Curb (public works)
CC Carbon Composites
CC Compassionate Conservatism (George W. Bush campaign)
cc Cross-Class (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
CC Companion of the Order of Canada
CC Coast Is Clear
CC Command Chief
CC Computer Controller
CC Cow and Calf (animal husbandry)
CC Complementary Color (fashion and design)
CC Call Connected (ITU-T Rec I 451)
CC Cheat City (gaming website)
CC Carrier Current
CC Computers and Composition (an International Journal)
CC Chrono Crusade (anime)
CC Close Captioned
CC Congestion Controlled (IPV6)
CC Closing Code
CC Color Compensating
CC Crazy Chicken
CC Computer Community
CC Crew Compartment (NASA)
CC Centimetro Cubico (Spanish: Cubic Centimeter)
CC Cédula de Ciudadanía (Colombia social securty equivalent)
CC Canterbury College (Gold Coast, Australia)
CC Carnivorous Carnival (Lemony Snicket)
CC Cedarville College
CC Canarian Coalition (Spain)
CC Common Collector (transistors)
CC Calculated Cost (pension benefit calculations)
CC Combat Control
CC Chemical Corps
CC Call Content
CC Crimson Chin (Fairly Odd Parents TV show)
CC Carrier Control (modem information)
CC Communications Central
CC Crew Commander
CC City Confidential (TV show)
CC Carl Czerny (classical composer)
CC Cadet Commander
CC Complaints Committee
CC Celanese Corporation
CC Card Column
CC Command Caller (phone notification system)
CC Combat Center
CC Clow Card (Japanese Animé)
CC Coin Collect
CC Component Cooling
CC Caring Connection
CC Critical Characteristic (automotive)
CC Commander's Call (PHS-1 DMAT monthly meeting)
CC Common Controller
CC Common Controller(s)
CC Civil Commotions
CC Clifford Chance LLP (UK law firm)
CC Concord Coalition
CC Chaos Castle (gaming)
CC Complications or Comorbidities (diagnosis related group descriptions)
CC Captive Carry
CC Compression Chamber
CC Combat Challenge
CC Criteria Check
CC Coupled Cavity
CC Combat Clothing
CC Colon Classification
CC Chaitanya Charitamrita (Gaudiya Vaishnava scripture)
CC Competitive Category
CC Command Controller
CC Chefs Collaborative
CC Carbonaceous Chondrite (meteorites)
CC Colorado Crush (AFL team)
CC Capsule Corporation (Dragon Ball)
CC Charges Collect (shipping)
CC Coupled Channel
CC Custom Combo (gaming)
CC Cause Category
CC Cubic Convolution
CC Camera Copy
CC Custom Charges
CC Cross Connector
CC Chain Carrier (surveying)
CC Composite Clock (SONET)
CC Coarse Control
CC Corpo Dei Carabinieri
CC Calling Cost
CC Collins Consulting
CC Course Chart
CC Centimeters Cubed
CC Creative Counseling (psychotherapy)
CC Compression Cache
CC Causa Cognita (Latin: Known Cause; Codices and Manuscripts)
CC Circuit City, Inc.
CC Chevaliers de Colomb
CC Conseil des Communes (French: Council of European Municipalities)
CC Computational Component
CC Corpse Camping (gaming)
CC Corps de Cadets
CC Composite Command
CC Compilation Control
CC Coherent Combining
CC Cold Chemical
CC Continuity Cell (ATMF)
CC Chain Coding
CC Champion Communities
CC Component Coordinator
CC Closing Coil
CC Cue Cap
CC Communications Closet
CC Cite Check(ing)
CC Combat Coded
CC Classic Cab
CC Convolution Coding
CC Creatures Community (game series)
CC Century Indicator
CC Critical Count
CC Cushion Craft
CC Cyclometric Complexity
CC Challenger Commission (America's Cup)
CC Cut Cancel (philately)
CC Calthorpe Clinic (Edgbaston, Birmingham)
CC Concealed Conduction
CC Camry Club
CC Crew Certified (NASA)
CC Commonwealth Coalition
CC Curb Cock (construction)
CC Conformation Certificate (UK dog shows)
CC Class Commander (US military)
CC Cannon Companion (Shadowrun Sourcebook)
CC Contaminant Category (land disposal restrictions)
CC Contagious Conjunctivitis
cC Centicoulomb (electrical unit)
CC Cataract, Total Congenital
CC Continental Counsellors (Institution of the Baha'i Faith)
CC Cogswell Cogs
CC Corrado Conforti
CC Circuit Client (digital networks)
CC ClubCappo (Cappuccino Owners Club)
CC Commercial Continuity
CC Cum Correctione (Latin: With Correction; ophthalmology)
CC Cryogenic Calorimeter
CC Crew Currency (USCG)
CC Claimant Code
CC Chaotic Coding
CC Crane Commander
CC Chet Chad (radio stations, British Columbia)
CC Comercial Castillo
CC component command (NATO) (US DoD)
CC Certification Cube
CC Console Coding (web forum)
CC Curtice Cubic (MESFET model)
CC Caring Capital
CC Crosstalk Coupler
CC Contrucción Comparativa (Spanish grammar)
CC Combatant Craft Crewmember Qualified (USN)
CC Constantly Consecrating (gaming, World of Warcraft)
CC Cable Corder (machines used in testile and tire cord industry)
CC Control Console
CC Country Code
CC Corporate Center (Sprint)
CC Corn Chip (food)
CC Correspondence Chess (long-distance chess)
CC Continuous Commissioning (Texas Engineering Experiment Station)
CC Country Coordinator
CC Connecticut College (New London, CT)
CC Coupe Cabriolet (Peugeot 206 CC model)
CC Concurrent Copy (disk storage management)
CC Convoy Commander
CC Core Component
CC Consonant Cluster (speech)
CC Conventional Campaign
CC Consumer Confidence
CC Constructive Criticism
CC Cotton Candy
CC Counting Crows (band)
CC Continuous Casting
CC Coordinator Council (Maquis Forces International)
CC Correctional Custody
CC Corrosion Coupon
CC Cost Center
CC Cost Control
CC County Council
CC Condition Code
CC Conference Call
CC Configuration Control
CC Connection Confirm
CC Contracted Care
CC Control Center
CC Control Channel
CC Control Language
CC Controlled Circulation
CC Convoy Commodore
CC Copper Citrate
CC Corner Card (philately)
CC Copie Conforme
CC Convolutional Code
CC Construction Confederation (London, UK)
CC Contrast Color
CC County Coordinator
CC Constant Curve (bending of Windsurfing Masts)
CC Constituent Code
CC Contact Center
CC Constitutional Court
CC Cornwall College (UK)
CC Copy Cat
CC Coordination Center
CC Control Computer
CC Conto Corrente (Italian: bank deposit)
CC Constant Current
CC Construction Component
CC Core Client (computing)
CC Cost Cutting
CC County Commissioner
CC Core Competency

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舊 2013-10-14, 11:36 PM
talas 的頭像
talas talas 目前離線
註冊日期: 2007-09-05
文章: 849

曾出售 apply dot cc
舊 2013-10-14, 11:37 PM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,048

作者: talas 查看文章
曾出售 apply dot cc


您是網站站長嗎?歡迎到站長俱樂部 一起討論吧。
舊 2013-10-15, 12:02 AM
talas 的頭像
talas talas 目前離線
註冊日期: 2007-09-05
文章: 849

舊 2013-10-15, 11:30 PM
hitalk hitalk 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-11-04
住址: Taiwan,Taipei
文章: 229

其實還有一個好像沒看到..cc campus couple 校園情侶/班隊
韓國和日本好像蠻常用cc 縮寫的


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