* Account Owner
* Account Number * Sort Code * Bank Name * SWIFT Code The SWIFT Code (or "BIC" code) is an 8-11 character alphanumeric code used to send money via wire transfer. If you don't know your SWIFT code, please ask your bank. If you don't know your SWIFT code, you can instead specify the complete address of your bank. However, this can delay receipt of the payment by up to one week! Street Address * ZIP Code / City * Bank Country 這些要怎麼填寫啊?? |
方法1.wire[又名t/t]電匯 填寫範例 http://vincentliao.myweb.hinet.net/s...k_use_wire.jpg Account Owner = 請與護照及Visa卡相同, Account Number = 163xxxxxxxxx 說明:[163]為中國信託商業銀行之敦南分行,[xxxxxxxxx]九碼您的外匯帳號. Sort code = [Swift code] + [Account Number] 說明1:[Sort code]又名[Routing Number]又名[International Routing Number] 說明2:請務必去掉重復之[163]即您的銀行分行代碼 Swift code = CTCBTWTP163 說明1:[CTCBTWTP163]為中國信託商業銀行之台灣台北敦南分行 說明2:Swift code美國稱為ABA routing number, 即 [Swift Code]=[BIC code]=[ABA routing number] Stress Address = ......(內容為銀行之地址,若Sedo無法電匯則會寄錢到此地址) 方法2. Paypal 付款. 填寫範例 http://vincentliao.myweb.hinet.net/s...use_paypal.jpg 只要打入 Paypal 使用之 Email 電子信箱即可. Best Regards, Vincent Liao |
在registermore 還可多一個設定 *.abc.com 不管誰打了 111.abc.com 或 xxx.abc.com 都會連到您的 domain 上 |