之後對方就回了500,還附了以下留言: Hi - This is for a student website. Due to low funding this is the absolute maximum we can offer for a domain name. We would be extremely appreciative if you could help us. Thankyou. 我覺得很好笑,一個學生做網站用到.tv幹麻, 而且這個域名怎麼看都不像是學生網站用的...
1515 |
回了它: hello, I really would like to help you, but I had received better offer for this domain name before, so I can't lower the price anymore.... I suggest you to register .org or .info domain instead if you can't afford such amount to buy a top domain name. Best Regards.
1515 |
本想跟他說不管是誰 價值都還是一樣 後來就當成沒看到
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