注意喔, 註冊以後必須付費才算是真正拿到手喔..
註冊後可以把域名掛在妳帳號不付費...但域名(未付費)很快別人就可以重複註冊, 掛在妳身上的就會消失不見 我就是這樣吃很大的悶虧... > <
# What is the cost? The cost is $100 for every 2 years. # What is the user account signup proceedure? For people outside Anguilla there is an extra $100 US fee. We will verify your email, your phone, your fax, and your physical address. Then we wait 3 months after your card was charged to make sure there is no trouble with the charge. Then your account will be activated. Go to the sign up part of the main page to sign up. 101domain.com 也可以註冊, 但是 2 Years Registration $ 249.00 ,而且只能註冊3字以上的..一點都沒有比較好 http://www.101domain.com/ai.htm
我們將驗證您的電子郵件,您的電話,您的傳真,和你的地址。然後,我們再等待3個月後,您的信用卡被確任沒有任何麻煩與費用。 要等3個月嗎? |