1. Booker.com $375,000 Pvt Sale
2. Wolfgangs.com $50,000 Sedo 3. ACAM.com $40,000 DomainMarket 4. DreamCruises.com $28,000 Sedo 5. tie Pigster.com $25,000 Sedo 5. tie TopApps.com $25,000 Sedo 7. AdTime.com $20,000 Sedo 8. RTB.net $18,000 Sedo 9. Choinki.pl €13,000 = $17,290 Sedo 10. Yum.in £10,000 = $16,000 Afternic 11. GardenBenches.com $14,500 Afternic 12. BIOM.com $14,000 Sedo 13. GlobalIndustry.com $13,000 Sedo 14. AEB.com $12,500 Sedo 15. TPO.org $12,077 YummyNames/ Afternic 16. WesternTrust.com $12,000 Afternic 17. tie Efinity.com $11,000 Sedo 17. tie MailMonkey.com $11,000 Sedo 19. GWK.net $10,595 Afternic 20. tie Audiophile.com $10,000 Sedo 20. tie eMailMarketingSoftware.com $10,000 Sedo 20. tie Insured.org $10,000 Sedo 20. tie Konteyner.com $10,000 NoktaDomains 20. tie Obmen.com $10,000 Sedo 20. tie PhotoWorldCup.com $10,000 Sedo 20. tie Webench.com $10,000 Sedo |
1. Torrents.com €84,700 = $112,651 Sedo
2. FXX.com $60,000 DomainNameSales 3. EatStreet.com $44,000 Sedo 4. RoadOne.com $25,000 DomainNameSales 5. Compare.to €17,650 = $23,475 Sedo 6. FXX.net $19,000 DomainNameSales 7. Everclear.com $18,000 Afternic 8. UpEntertainment.com $17,500 WinnerNames 9. OpenFeed.com $15,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 10. Jobb.nu €10,000 = $13,300 Sedo 11. TrueAge.com $13,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 12. AutoPortal.de €9,500 = $12,635 Sedo 13. ThyroidTreatment.com $12,000 Sedo 14. RollBar.com $11,000 DomainNameSales 15. tie ChopIt.com $10,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 15. tie C-Stone.com $10,000 Sedo 15. tie Demagogue.com $10,000 Afternic 15. tie HomeSchoolingCurriculum.com $10,000 DomainNameSales 15. tie LoveButton.com $10,000 MostWantedDomains 15. tie PCTips.com $10,000 Afternic 15. tie SurroundSoundSystem.com $10,000 Afternic |
1. Estate.com $165,000 UpMarketDNS
2. CellphoneCases.com $75,000 DomainNameSales 3. tie Oar.com $69,000 Flippa 3. tie WalkInTubs.com $69,000 Afternic/ DomainNameSales 5. Salledebain.com ("bathroom" in French) $60,000 Sedo 6. SearchResults.com $41,000 DomainNameSales 7. CifraClub.com $35,000 Sedo 8. FreeGayChat.com $29,500 HuntingMoon 9. WashingtonDCRealEstate.com $28,500 DomainNameSales 10. tie Connect.tv $25,000 Sedo 10. tie Izabel.com $25,000 DomainNameSales 12. FXF.com €15,000 = $20,400 Sedo 13. XSD.com $20,000 Sedo 14. TrafficLaw.com $18,500 Afternic 15. ThyroidTest.com $18,000 Sedo 16. tie RadioBuy.com $15,000 DomainNameSales 16. tie Specta.com $15,000 DomainNameSales 18. Ecoimmo.com €11,000 = $14,960 Sedo 19. Techzilla.com $14,950 Sedo 20. Alberghiroma.com €9,000 = $12,240 Sedo |
adultchat.xxx $33,000
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1. Mojo.com $300,000 DomainAdvisors
2. Apuestas.com ("bets" in Spanish) €165,000 = $221,100 Sedo 3. Mobile.xxx $160,000 ICM Registry 4. ULive..com $75,000 Afternic 5. DOA.com $74,400 NameJet 6. tie Detox.org $50,000 DomainAdvisors 6. tie VisitSanFrancisco.com $50,000 GoDaddyAuctions 8. Pay.co $46,087 Sedo 9. Numotion.com $45,750 GoDaddyAuctions 10. Pastor.com $45,000 Afternic 11. League.com $40,005 GoDaddyAuctions 12. DiscountLoans.com $39,000 GoDaddyAuctions 13. Zodia.com $35,421 GoDaddyAuctions 14. UnityPoint.com $34,500 Afternic 15. ITV.org $26,900 Sedo 16. Farmaci.it €20,000 = $26,800 Sedo 17. GasStations.com $25,300 NameJet 18. tie EmpireStateRealty.com $25,000 GoDaddyAuctions 18. tie iSugar.com $25,000 Sedo 18. tie Pulpit.com $25,000 Afternic 21. SMS.pl PLN 73,800 = $23,616 Nazwa.pl 22. Flowers.info $22,005 GoDaddyAuctions 23. tie Silvergate.com $22,000 GoDaddyAuctions 23. tie RegularShow.com $22,000 Sedo 25. Andersson.com €15,000 = $20,100 Sedo 26. LiveTennis.com $20,000 MostWantedDomains 27. RHG.com $19,999 GoDaddyAuctions 28. tie CNK.org $18,000 GoDaddyAuctions 28. tie MNK.com $18,000 Sedo 30. tie Carebook.com $17,500 GoDaddyAuctions 30. tie Barbaras.com $17,500 Afternic 32. Sin.net $16,587 NameJet 33. IVVI.com $16,223 GoDaddyAuctions 34. Trip.me £10,200 = $15,810 Sedo 35. tie FamilyPhotos.com $15,000 NameJet 35. tie MyRent.com $15,000 Afternic 35. tie Stirrer.com $15,000 Afternic 38. Fahrradhelm.de €10,500 = $14,070 Sedo 39. Greenland.net €10,250 = $13,735 Sedo 40. tie Appenzellerland.com €10,000 = $13,400 Sedo 40. tie Farmaci.com €10,000 = $13,400 Sedo |
20130211 - 20130217
The DN Journal Top 20
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 11, 2013 - Sun. Feb. 17, 2013 Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 20, 2013 引用:
Non .Com gTLDs Top 40 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD Sales (.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Feb. 11, 2013 - Sun. Feb. 17, 2013 Euro/Pound to Dollar Conversions (€/£ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 20, 2013 引用:
Page.pro - US$1,000 |
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