我12月25號 用了dynaDOT優惠碼$7.xx從godaddy轉一只域名去dynadot
但到今天都未能成功轉去dynadot 是什麼問題?? 25號辦理轉移 收到godaddy的電郵 內容如下: 是不是說godaddy不給我轉移??? REGISTRAR TRANSFER DENIED ****************************************** Dear hk hk, The transfer of xxxxxxxxx.COM from Go Daddy to another registrar could not be completed for the following reason(s): Express written objection to the transfer from the Transfer Contact. (e.g. - email, fax, paper document or other processes by which the Transfer Contact has expressly and voluntarily objected through opt-in means). The express written objection may be the result of a pending or recently completed Change of Registered Name Holder. This is an opt-in process during which the new Registered Name Holder agrees not to transfer for 60-days. This domain will be transferrable on 1/31/2012. If you believe that this domain name does not fit the situation described above, go to http://support.godaddy.com/?prog_id=GoDaddy&isc=gdbba35 for assistance. Regards, Go Daddy Domain Services P.S. Visit GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com/default.aspx?prog_id=GoDaddy&isc=gdbba35) and SAVE 15%* off your next purchase of $50 or more. Just use source code gdbba35 when you check out to get your special savings. Start shopping now at GoDaddy.com or order by phone at (480) 505-8877. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, shipping and handling, sale priced domains and transfers, bulk domains and transfers, premium domains, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and pre-registrations, memberships or maintenance plans, additional disk space and bandwidth renewals, additional email addresses, Search Engine Visibility advertising budget, Managed Hosting, custom page layouts, brand identity services, Go Daddy branded merchandise or gift cards. Discount reflected in your shopping cart - cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion, or in connection with special partnership discount programs. After the initial purchase term, discounted products purchased with special offer discounts will renew at the then-current renewal list price. Copyright (C) 2011 Go Daddy All rights reserved. |
嗯, 看來是說godaddy不給你轉移,
可能的原因包括你在轉移前不久曾經更改 registrant 註冊人姓名, 一經更改後, 便要等兩個月後才能轉出了 (更改 Registrant名時, GD會出現一頁警示告知兩個月內無法轉出, 你打勾同意後, 才完成改名.) |
godaddy 上修改注册资料之后 60天内是不能转移的
NameContainer 域名展示頁腳本 - 創建您自己的域名銷售頁面 |