2008-08-23, 04:12 PM
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
Widget-Channel : Yahoo promises to bring wonders of the web to television
Widget Channel:
Yahoo promises to bring wonders of the web to television
Jemima Kiss / guardian.co.uk / August 22 2008
A new project announced by internet giant Yahoo is promising to bring the wonders of the web to television, allowing viewers to customise their TV screens with a swathe of internet services including eBay listings, weather, financial news and Twitter updates.
A further move towards the convergence between television and the internet, The Widget Channel is the result of a collaboration between Yahoo and technology manufacturer Intel.
Intel is building the hardware for the service to work in a series of digital televisions and set-top boxes.
Pitched as a way of "complementing and enhancing the traditional TV environment", the Widget Channel will be available in the US in the first half of next year.
Rather than experimenting with full web access on a TV screen, Yahoo is exploiting the popularity of "widgets" - smaller, customisable versions of web-based services that already feature on computer desktops and on many websites, including the home page of bbc.co.uk.
Yahoo is also capitalising on the trend for application platforms.
Both Apple and Facebook have built a large offering of applications by opening parts of their code to external developers.
A handful of high profile web services have confirmed they will be available on the Widget Channel including Disney-ABC, Joost, CinemaNow and MTV, along with advertising firm Group M.
Disney-ABC's executive vice-president, Albert Cheng, said the platform offered "a broad canvas" for advertisers, and the interactive agency Schematic said the channel will "change the way consumers see their televisions".
"Merging the very different user experience of the internet with that of the TV is no small task," said group president Eric Breitband.
"Making that experience an easy to use, entertaining and memorable experience is an even greater one. The Widget Channel platform is a very impressive user interface for both developers who want a flexibility and speed to market, but it also provides consumers with a memorable, unique approach to enjoying internet content and entertainment on their TV."
Analyst Dan Cryan of Screen Digest was less impressed with the offering, describing it as "an internet-connected version of Teletext with nicer graphics".
"It doesn't solve the two-way issue as there's no keyboard," he said. "They run the risk of sinking like a stone unless they can provide TV manufacturers with a source of incremental revenue that's attractive."