Wile.info曾经在Sedo拍卖中,很火,拍卖到310$,但是因为买家未及时付款,交易被取消。 现在在Namepros重新拍卖,$10起拍! 请到Namepros出价。谢谢! http://www.namepros.com/domains-for-...wile-info.html Registrar: Name.com Expires on 2008-09-06 It's a great name. Wile.info was sold for $310 through Sedo auction,but that winner didn't pay for it. Sedo cancelled that transaction. I decide to sell it here. Starts from $10 only. Min increment $10. BIN: $365 Auction ends: 48 hours after last bid. It's a great chance. This auction is exclusive to NamePros for the duration of the auction. 请到Namepros出价! http://www.namepros.com/domains-for-...wile-info.html
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |