我想請教各位前輩們一個問題。是這樣的,小妹的公司打算開一個專屬的website, 作為我們公司的人員以及大眾做一個交流的平台,而這個任務交給了小妹我負責。 可是我是生手,實在不清楚Sedo仔細的使用方法。看了Sedo的操作指南,卻似懂非懂, 所以希望可以在這裡得到幫助。 我們的公司在Sedo有一個域名,可是這個域名顯然未被激活,我根本無法使用~ 我在Sedo開了一個賬戶,並用“Add Domain"將我們公司的域名加進來,接著是認證的部分,我們收到了一封郵件,其中內容大致上的要求如下: In order to ensure that domains are only listed for sale by their rightful owners, Sedo double-checks the ownership of all newly listed domains. Unfortunately it was not possible to verify that you are the current owner of the following domain: vitalvision.com Therefore the domain has already been deleted from your account. However, if you are the owner of the domain please re-list the domain and send us an ownership confirmation so that we can ensure the domain is verified promptly. Please send us an email to qualitymanagement@sedo.com upfront and use one of the following ownership verification options: 1. Send us a screen shot attachment of your Registrar account containing all of the following information: - domain name - period of registration and expiration date - your contact data matching the data in your Sedo account 2. Unlock the WHOIS information at the registrar (deactivate the domain privacy, the technical update can take up to 72 hours) If there is no WHOIS entry visible for your domain (e.g. TLDs which do not support a WHOIS query like .to) please only use the first option to verify your ownership of the domain. You can add domain to your account by logging into My Sedo and going to "Add Domains." 我不懂這裡提到的“the domain has already been deleted from your account.”是指什麼意思,難道這個域名已經被清除了,我們無法使用? 另外,內容提到的要求: “1. Send us a screen shot attachment of your Registrar account containing all of the following information: - domain name - period of registration and expiration date - your contact data matching the data in your Sedo account” 是指什麼意思?這裡的Registrar account是指什麼?我應該要去哪裡可以找到呢? 接著: “2. Unlock the WHOIS information at the registrar (deactivate the domain privacy, the technical update can take up to 72 hours)” 這裡的WHOIS是指什麼? 不好意思,初來乍到就打擾大家,但還是希望各位幫幫忙~小妹感激不盡! |
是這樣的,我已經把我們註冊域名的註冊商寄來的收據確認轉寄給sedo, 可是sedo卻還是要我把screen shot from registrar account which shows the domain name. 轉寄給他們。不好意思,我實在不清楚這指的是什麽意思?我要去哪裡找這個東西? |