POOL.com 開始 接受 .tw 預註服務
POOL.com 開始 接受 .tw 預註服務
Bringing the World to Taiwan's Doorstep ========================== .TW the official Taiwanese Internet address is NOW OPEN to the world through Pool.com By Pre-Ordering your .TW domain, individuals, businesses and organizations everywhere have an unprecedented opportunity to gain entry into one of the most dynamic commercial centers in the world. By Pre-Ordering your .com.tw, .org.tw and .idv.tw domain name(s) you will: Expand your business into the newly accessible Taiwanese marketplace Introduce your business to a potential customer base that exceeds 23 million people Safeguard your brand name and corporate identity in Taiwan, which was recently appointed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secure a "localized" presence in Taiwan, while expanding your international presence Don't wait! Pre-order your third level .TW domain name with Pool.com before January 19. ------------------------------------- 海峽兩地的合作 & 域名註冊的首選 穩健踏實的作風 & 親切熱忱的服務 域名農莊 網路流域 |
呵呵~剛剛收到pool的來信看到此訊息,原本要搶先post的,沒想到best-url的速度更快~ ?
請各位多多指教 |
Hi 網路蟑螂 您好,
我所張貼的此篇[POOL.com 開始 接受 .tw 預註服務]; 其實主要重點應該在於 POOL.com 得到 twnic 授權接受 (台灣以外地區) 網友們註冊 .tw 類型的網域名稱 而已. 所有的註冊申請條件條件請參考: http://www.twnic.net/dn/draftdn.htm 咱們都是台灣的人民, 要註冊 .tw 類型的域名可直接在 "這裡" - 不必繞個圈去向 POOL.com 註冊. 如果您也想註冊 中國大陸 CN 類型的域名; 請至: http://dnfans.com (自頁面中間點選 [Only 22$/per year to get your .cn domain from here] 即可進入中文http://www.9ii.com/test/domain.htm 頁面進行註冊!) 如果有其他疑問, 歡迎您再與我聯絡! Best-URL ------------------------------------- 海峽兩地的合作 & 域名註冊的首選 穩健踏實的作風 & 親切熱忱的服務 域名農莊 網路流域 |
Re: POOL.com 開始 接受 .tw 預註服務
由於保留字限制太多... 連擁有 xxx.com.tw 者都無法註到 xxx.tw 的狀況下... POOL.com 的預註服務... 應該是宣示大於實質吧... |
我對中文.tw沒什麼使用上的好感 必竟它僅能使用在台灣和大陸及華人一小部份地區 我還以為預註的是abc.tw的咧 |
我也以為是 xxx.tw呢... |
Registerfly 今天也發出廣告信推銷台灣網域了,
相信會有更多人加入戰局的。 ==文章張貼如下== .TW Tawain's domain is live WHY .TW? - As the next frontier of global e-business, .TW presents companies everywhere with an unprecedented opportunity to make their presence known in the Taiwan marketplace. Now is an ideal time for companies to protect their brand identities in .TW. How many years can I register .TW names? The minimum registration period is 1 year, and the maximum is 10 years. Is there a Nexus requirement for Registrants? No. Under recently announced .TW policy, registrars may accept .TW registrations from registrants worldwide. After launch, any business or organization, worldwide, can register a .com.tw or .org.tw name under a new liberalized policy that no longer restricts .TW registrations to Taiwanese entities. We will offer third level domain names in: .com.tw (business) .org.tw (organizations) .idv.tw (individuals) Get your .TW domain today for only $39.99 each These exciting new extensions are selling fast! Hurry up and purchase yours today! ==== 詳細內容請見此處 題外話,我總覺得 .TW 的 LOGO不怎麼漂亮 ^^" |
http://go.dnbroker.com.tw 連不上耶...
有人看到任何一家海外廠商有提到second level的.tw字眼嗎?
目前從頭到尾都只有.com.tw .net.tw .org.tw .idv.tw等3rd level有開放海外註冊,似乎還沒看到可註.tw的。 |