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舊 2012-09-11, 12:18 PM
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預設 Buy Domain Name or Buy Website Properties ?

Buy Domain Name or Buy Website Properties for Profit

Mark Whysall | Sep 11, 2012

Generic domain names are amazing because they provide the buyer with the credibility and traffic. For instance, Weather.com is one of the most used websites worldwide. It became the most used website because of its brand, its name, its high quality content and credibility. Even if it is not the best website out there that provides people with weather information it is still the most used one. Big companies are starting to catch up on the power of these domains names and they are starting to buy generic domains such as Bank of America, CNN and America Online.

Generic domain names have the ability to attract unique users and large amounts of traffic. This is due to the fact that most users do what is called “direct navigation”. This means that users will type what they want directly. For instance, if they are looking for information about credit cards, they would type creditcards.com. This is also why different search engines like Yahoo, Bing and Google would rank the generic domain names higher than others. This is why having a generic domain name can put anyone in the lead.

What to do when you buy a domain name:

1- Purchase the right domain name with the right price.

2- Develop content for the website in order for the website to become of high quality.

3- Start to monetize the website in order to gain profit.

4- Then it is time to consider different offers.

Selling any of your generic domain names is form of art, deciding on the right time and the right price has to be done with extreme care. For instance, CreditCards.com was bought for one hundred thousand dollars; the buyer applied this strategy, building content and elevating its rank and then sold it to an entrepreneur for 3 million dollars. This entrepreneur applied new strategies and techniques to channel traffic to CreditCards.com and then sold it for an amazing one hundred and thirty three million dollars after two years. This is why prior to selling, the domain owner has to make sure that he is getting the best out of the domain name by implementing the best techniques and strategies.

To be successful in the business, you will need more than just buying a good generic domain name. You will also need to provide it with high quality content and elevate its rank in the most used search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The prices for generic and non generic domain names have been increasing for the past few years. More and more people are getting into the domain business (buying and selling domain names). According to numbers that are supplied by Zetetic, the sales of 3,000 domain names in 2004 generated more than 15,000,000 dollars. This number increased the following year as in 2005 more than 6,000 domain names were sold and they generated more than 20,000,000 dollars. These numbers are from seven years ago, which means that without a doubt, in this day and age, the most valuable kind of real estate on the market these days is domain names. The domain name market can easily turn regular people into millionaires.


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