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搜尋: 文章作者: mspecialists
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2018-11-04, 05:05 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 26,684
作者 mspecialists
8.la sold at 25000 USD! Get your own real...

8.la sold at 25000 USD!

Get your own real 1-character short domain now with an "8" - rare and valueable number.
You will be able to make crazy short URLs with this domain what is great for a...
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2018-09-29, 12:55 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 26,684
作者 mspecialists

版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2018-04-15, 06:58 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 26,684
作者 mspecialists
only this one left cheap, Interest is high but...

only this one left cheap, Interest is high but offers in Bitcoin. I like Euro most. The chance to buy an "8" that cheap!

Imagine the potentials:
- subdomains: 88.8.ki , 88888.8.ki
- emails:...
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2018-03-24, 07:45 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 26,684
作者 mspecialists
價格降低! //// price reduced!

price reduced!
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2018-03-20, 02:10 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 26,684
作者 mspecialists
8.ki - 低廉 / cheap

低廉 / cheap!
For sale - a domain in worlds shortest regular domain format:


Can be used to make extremly shortening service like http://8.ki and short e-mail like i@8.ki
The number...
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