Registry Advisory LA 02: Accurate WHOIS Information in Domain
Advisory No. LA 02 18th FEBRUARY 2005 It has come to our notice that there are several domain names regarding which the actual Registrant's Contact details has not been provided by the Registrars. As a result there are number of domains where the WHOIS Database reflects that the domain is being held in the temporary account of the Registrars. The Registrars are hereby informed to provide the data of the actual Registrants so that it is reflected in the WHOIS Database of the Registry. Registrars are given 10 days, up to 23:59 Indian Standard Time on February 28, 2005, to update the contact details of the Registrants. Failure to update all such domains regarding which the actual Registrant details are not given will be summarily deleted from the Registrars Account. In addition, other financial penalties and legal actions may be applicable. Sincerely, .IN Registry 28號前如果大家還沒及時更新詳細的whois信息會被註冊侷刪除的! |
When the registry mandated that there cannot be any Auction for domain names, they did not specify a particular allocation method, but left it to the discretion of the Registrar. Now, there is no binding rule that states allocation should be done on a first applied first served basis - you would agree that, under current circumstances, it seems unwise to use this formula. Our team is thus working towards finding an optimum method of allocation of domain names. This might well be determined taking various factors into consideration, instead of merely considering priority of application. Please rest assured that we shall fully ensure that the allocation is done in a just manner. On the 25th, the right applicant shall be awarded the domain name. Have a nice day! |