這是 sedo 的規則... 大家參考... 3. Prohibited Actions COMMITTING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROHIBITED ACTIONS CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT AND FORFEITURE OF ANY ACCUMULATED EARNINGS WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. PLEASE READ AND OBEY THESE RULES! Participant, and friends or family of participant, may not click on advertising links displayed on Participant's own domain names. Participant may not beg, ask, entice, or incentivize users into clicking on advertising links. Participant may not re-direct traffic to their parked domain name. This prohibition extends to traffic redirected from non-parked domains, and purchased traffic such as pop-under or exit traffic. Each domain name must be parked separately. Participant may not display their parked page as a pop-under or pop-up window without prior approval by the Program. Participant may not categorize domain names is unrelated categories. Participant may not generate traffic to their domain name(s) or clicks on advertising links by any of the following methods: listings on newsgroups or discussion boards (with the exception of "domain for sale" postings), bulk e-mailing, icq postings, or chatroom/irc postings, iframes, zero pixel frames, hitbots, clickbots, spiders, cgi-scripts, java-scripts, or any other similar method. Participant may not modify the Program parking page or code in anyway without prior approval. Only clicks originating from an unmodified, Program-served parking page will be considered valid. Participant may not place the parking page within a frame without prior approval from the Program. Participant may not mislead visitors into believing that he/she will receive anything other than an internet search by clicking on a text link or search box. Referring pages must not be password protected in any way. The Program reserves the right to terminate your account if it is idle for more than one month. Inability to comply with any of said terms of agreement will forfeit any unpaid earnings and result in the termination of Participant's account. Further legal course of action may be considered to prosecute violating Participants. 如果違反... 錢被沒收... 還會被停權... |
第一、人家不是笨蛋,你想得到的,他們一個那麼大的網站不會想不到,更不會查覺不出來。現在不抓,不表示他們沒有在注意。 第二、這樣的手法,說實話,賺不了幾個錢。你有像vincentliao版友那麼強的網址,隨便放著就有強大的流量,那也是造假不了。你的網址沒啥人氣,你就算發動你的親戚五十天天去點,也累積不到多少錢。 第三、希望大家能在網路上建立來自台灣IP的「名聲」。目前台灣和許多亞洲的名聲都不好,例如偽卡,少數人使用偽卡的結果是我們大部份守法的公民受到波及。同樣的,以前有那種什麼看信賺錢,點擊賺錢,看廣告賺錢的,最後就是因為我們太聰明了,會以各種不正當手段去騙取這種小錢,搞到最後,外國乾脆不接受我們的申請。sedo是目前少數服務功能良好的網址中介商,不希望哪天把台灣的客戶列為拒絕往來戶。 附註: 我不確定kevin會員的作法算不算違規,或者簡單地講,會不會被sedo給視為違規?本來我是覺得那確實是個讓自己網站(如果有很多會員和人氣)獲得一點支持的方法。但如果sedo有類似規定,或許這樣的方法該研究一下是否繼續? |
就是順其自然... sedo 要求的也是自然的流量... 有些流量確實強求不得... 有些流量卻源源不絕... 賺錢之外... 也領略到網名與網站之間的微妙關係... |
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按照規定的說法---- Participant, and friends or family of participant, may not click on advertising links displayed on Participant's own domain names. (參與人不能請朋友或家人幫忙點選.....) 看來還是先把連結拿掉好了 因為我發現sedo很聰明,我原本放了4個網址的連結,不論怎麼點選,一天中只有一個網址會賺到錢(sedo的系統應該會查IP,可能同一個IP不論點選了多少個不同的網址,都只能算一個).所以此做法能賺到的錢遠比想像中的還要少很多.... |
Re: sedo Revenue
昨晚放了三個網址上去,早上起來發現 0.15 。
嗯,大概可以買一包王子麵。 |
Re: sedo Revenue
這算是很好的成績了... 我的域名大約也有2/3是掛零的... |
下午三點 0.27 |
可以買台北 高雄的來回機票了
下午三點55分 66.31 |