partnercash.com $110,000 sedo
Best.info £12,000 = $20,880 Sedo partnercash.com這個交易已引起很大爭論,大多數都很驚訝這樣一個自創網名(既無流量typein也無連結,而且還不是一般常用詞彙),竟然能賣到如此高價。他的賣主是國外一向十分臭屁的domainking,他上次也以一百多萬美金賣了men.com,同樣也有很多人懷疑是假交易,用意在哄抬價格。你只要付中間商如sedo 3%的交易費就可以拉抬自家網名的價值。不過也很難說,常言道,網名的真正價值取決於它的買家。 |
[ Best.info £12,000 = $20,880 Sedo ]
應該又是 .info 的新記錄喔 ?! |
"The $750,000 price tag of Website.com represents the highest-valued sale in the domain name market this year, and Sedo is honored to serve as the marketplace that matched its seller with an eager buyer," said Matt Bentley, CEO of Sedo.com. "By utilizing Sedo's premium domain brokerage program, website.com was able to maximize interest among domain buyers, enabling the seller to get the optimal price for a premium domain name."
Sedo's Premium Domain Brokerage services have supported many of the highest domain sales in 2005, including Chat.de for $470,000, the third highest valued sale of the year, and Uruguay.com for $175,000, the fourth highest valued sale of 2005. http://www.webhosting.info/news/1/0721052855 |
老外真是什麽都敢註冊都敢買啊!!!! |
Photographer.com Sold for $133,000
1st August 2005 Despite an industry average of less than $10,000 for domain names, this may signal a rebound in domain name investing. After holding photographer.com for 10 years, Blake Newman, President, Artists & Associates Inc., a provider of photographic industry services, sold the domain name for $133,000. Despite an industry average of less than $10,000 for domain names, this may signal a rebound in domain name investing. Newman plans to take the proceeds of the sale of photographer.com as seed money to expand his online procurement software and reservation system to a global audience featuring photographers around the world. "It is the reputation of my great photographers, our professionalism, training and team concept that brings clients to our website, not our domain name," said Newman, President, Artists & Associates. "I believe that people will still visit us at artists-associates.com because of our great reputation, not simply because we had owned photographer.com." Newman still owns over 350 domain names and is considering a contest, survey or test marketing to see which domain name might be the catchiest or easiest to remember. http://www.webhosting.info/news/1/0801051652 |