昨天晚上,小弟收到SEDO的来信,内容如下: Dear Mr. Xue, Now that we have received the buyer's payment, he shall soon be starting the transfer request via his registrar. Before he can do this though, he shall require the AUTH code (authorization code required for a transfer of certain TLDs and ccTLDs) for the transfer of this domain. To get the AUTH code you need to log in to your GoDaddy account and go to Manage Domains. Clicking on pcdiy.org will bring up the domain information on the right of the screen. Under Domain Details you shall see an option marked Auth Code Info. Click on the Send Mail link and the AUTH code shall be sent to you via email. Once you have this code, please send it to us so that we can pass it on to the seller, in order to initiate his transfer request. Also, please unlock the domain for transfer! Best regards, 我按照信里的要求,向Godaddy.com 发信索要AUTH code ,现在已收到Godaddy的信: The authorization information you requested is as follows: Domain Name: PCDIY.ORG Authorization Info: XXXXXXXX 我的问题是: 1.我是不是只要简单地将: Domain Name: PCDIY.ORG Authorization Info: XXXXXXXX 以上内容发送给SEDO就可以了,要不要加其它的内容,如:自已在SEDO的账号等. 我将以上内容发给SEDO算不算交易完成了. 2.我看到信的内容:Also, please unlock the domain for transfer. 这个意思是叫我先将域名解锁,然后再转出. 但我在Godaddy账户里,对PCDIY.ORG进行解锁时好像没有成功. 出现如下情况:"Pending Unlock - Public " 到目前为止还看到这个域名旁边还有一把锁.难道真得没有解锁成功.是Godaddy不让我转移吗?这样会不会影响交易? 急啊!请各位大大多多帮忙. 谢谢了.
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
STANDARDIZED FORM OF AUTHORIZATION DOMAIN NAME TRANSFER - Initial Authorization for Registrar Transfer Attention: mr xue Re: Transfer of PCDIY.ORG eNom, Inc. has received a request from jhon (Burning-G Hosting) on 16 Jun 2006 for us to become the new registrar of record. You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database. Please read the following important information about transferring your domain name: * You must agree to enter into a new Registration Agreement with us. You can review the full terms and conditions of the Agreement at < http://transfer-approval.com/u.asp?i...d5d6-8a8a85836 > * Once you have entered into the Agreement, the transfer will take place within five (5) calendar days unless the current registrar of record denies the request. * Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs. If you WISH TO PROCEED with the transfer, you must respond to this message by using the following URL (note if you do not respond by 23 Jun 2006, PCDIY.ORG will not be transferred to us): < http://transfer-approval.com/u.asp?i...d5d6-8a8a85836 > YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTINUE THE TRANSFER PROCESS If you DO NOT WANT the transfer to proceed, then don't respond to this message. If you have any questions about this process, please contact XXXX@burning.net. 已发信给买家确认这封邮件的真实性. 还好自己在删除邮件之前,有认真看一下标题, 如果这封邮件证实其真实性,那么为何这么重要的邮件会跑到垃圾箱里去? 而且这封邮件要求我在23号之前做决定. 各位大大,您们在SEDO转移域名时,是否也一样收到相同格式的邮件呢? 谢谢. 同时也收到另一封来自SEDO的回复: Dear Mr. Xue, Now that we have received the buyer's payment for this domain we have instructed him to initiate the technical transfer. He will soon be starting the transfer request via his registrar eNom inc.. To ensure that this transfer request can be processed by your registrar you will need to make certain the domain is unlocked and ready for transfer at your registrar. Usually you can simply log into your account and set the lock to off, also referred to by many registrars as "security setting" or "transfer lock". If you are unsure as to whether your domain is unlocked or on how to unlock it, please contact your registrar for assistance. Once your domain is unlocked or if your domain does not require unlocking, please ensure that the Administrative Contact (Admin-C) email address listed with your registrar is current and that you receive emails at the account. Over this email address you will receive the transfer request which you will need to confirm in order for the registrars to process the ownership change. The transfer should occur a few days after you have confirmed this transfer request email. Once we have confirmed the change of registrars and the WHOIS database contains the buyer's information we will send the payment for the domain to you from our escrow account. Should you have any questions or require any assistance with the technical transfer please feel free to contact me. 第一次交易,有许多不懂的地方,烦请各位大大多多帮助. 万分感谢.
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
只要對方是從enom.com提出移轉的申請,enom的系統就會向該網名whois上所列的註冊者電郵發出這個確認函,你確認無誤後按剛才那鏈結再按同意就可以了。當然啦,你確實該先去問對方是否剛在enom提出移轉的申請比較安全。 |
这个连接已经被我修改过了,列出来连接的格式和原来相似.起到举例作用. 再一次感谢哈大.
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
今天到中国银行取出99美元的现金。SEDO从6月30日汇款至今,扣除周末两天,实际只要7个工作日左右就可以收到电汇了。 以下是SEDO的来信: Dear Mr. Xue, We are pleased to inform you that our accounts department has processed your credit note and the money has left our escrow account. Please note the following estimated duration times: ACH/Wire within the US: 3 to 5 business days US Cheque payment: please allow up to 5 business days for delivery EU citizens - payment via IBAN: 4 to 7 business days Rest of the world: up to 2 weeks. We hope you were satisfied with our services and look forward to working with you in the future. Best regards。 谢谢各位大大的帮助。
真诚做人,小心做事。 |