我打算在一些外國網站上介紹一下 map.to ,旦英文實在很有限,只好參考一下別人的範例再自己東改西抄一下,放在這裡讓大家看一下,哪裡需要修正的?
長年旅居英美加各地的版友們,拜託看一下有法和習慣用語,那真不是我們目前這種填鴨式的英文教育能應付的。 謝謝先。 簡介 Map.to is a URLs shorten service but not an ordinary one, it is for maps links only. You may shrink a long long map link to a shorter one which is much more memorable and meaningful. You may search maps on the website of MAP.TO easily and get a short URL directly. 詳述 Map.to is a URLs shorten service but not a ordinary one, it is for maps links only. As we know, maps URLs are very very long, there are easily to exceed 200 characters to create a single map link, for example a map to Hollywood you will get this: "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=hollywood&sll=34.101571,-118.333397&sspn=0.052735,0.100937&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Hollywood,+Los+Angeles,+California&ll=34.098301,-118.325844&spn=0.052737,0.100937&z=13", an incredible length with 224 characters for you. It is impossible to remember or share with anyone, let alone post it on any social networks. Now, MAP.TO is a perfect solution to solve the hassles. You may shorten this long long link to a very short one such as http://map.to/2axl6, only 19 characters left , it's much easier to remember. And the beauty of MAP.TO is you can create your own terms with meaning just like http://map.to/hollywood which is more memorable and meaningful to remember and share with your friends. And not over yet, you need not to sign up to create a short map URL at MAP.TO and you may even search maps and get a map.to URL directly. A Map API is here to offer you the most powerful maps service powered by Google Maps. 特點 The most beauty of Map.to is the domain name itself which is the best one fits the maps purpose exactly. When giving a map.to short URL and share with your friends, they will know what it is without saying. |
經過幾天的努力,map.to 總算上了 killerstartups.com 的介紹,還有其他幾家專門介紹新創網站的,例如 listio.com, feemyapp.com, zippa.com。歡迎大家多多捧場