有人註冊dot DJ嗎?
我註冊過, 之前是韓國公司在做. 那時有 taiwanese.dj, ishow.dj, emelody.dj 等等. 結果不知不覺 (完全沒有通知), 就換人經營了. 以前的控制介面全沒, 加上我換 email, 結果全卡住. 什麼更改也不能做~ 後來就放棄了. 也不想再註冊.
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
Taiwan.dj is a protected name. It should be registered for a site which is of use to the Taiwaneese community or by the Taiwaneese Gov. This is a request of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Could you be so kind as to explain the intended purpose of the site. I underline that if the site was granted and would not conform to the accepted description it would be removed and there would not be any payment back. I thank you for your cooperation.
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
I am quite interested in the project as it fits the concept we have and we look for serious partners in each country to develop a http://tw.dj site - for music, information and international COMESA businesses (the East Africa common market of which Djibouti is a member). We consider http://taiwan.dj like names as a way to test the concept and help developing music/DJ portals. Our terms and conditions prevents you to propose and sell http://super.taiwan.dj like 3LD names. However I would certainly be interested in an unformal test agreement (provided this is something _serious_ - even small - with some good ties into the taiwaneese DJ world) 1. we accept your registration (but if nothing serious develop we would not reniew it). 2. you propose name@taiwan.dj and we are ok for you to also propose http://name.taiwan.dj forwarding. 3. from this experience we can investigate some other cooperation. dotDJ has been set-up as a non-profit association to welcome partnering members servicing specialized or local communities. We mean to make business but in the most simple, cheap and serious way.
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
但在國內,這方面的認知和相關法律專業一直欠缺。 |
Ricado前輩你的Taiwan.DJ&和tw.DJ還好吧 |
所有的泛 ccTLD域名都必須承擔被收回的風險,若其域名又與 gTLD後最相同的,則風險更大,這在註冊的協議中都有載明。 至於國碼,TW或是名稱,則依據世界智慧財產組織之規定,必須以該國國民或政府為主,並不得侵害該國之利益。因此除非台灣政府提出,否則沒有理由可以撤回這個名字。 其實我比較擔心的是 idv
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
這樣... cokee兄的 gov.hm 及edu.hm 會不會也有危險 ^^"
edu.td本來是我的… ?
我也很訥悶,怎麼在我把這網址放掉不續註之後…td就不見了,也許這個網址就是靠我在撐…我一不續註,他就沒錢發員工薪水了 曾經有一位我很尊敬的版上大老說域名是可長可久的,今天我以一個後生小輩的身份來破除這神話… 這也就是我現在只碰.com .name…等gTLD。再加上ccTLD的com.tw。但如果有一天中國以武力犯台,twnic的主機被斬首行動打掉了,也許.tw也會沒有吧… |